Canoeing navigation

by Jan Laš

Travel & Local


Guide and navigation for paddling Czech rivers.

Vltava, Sázava, Lužnice, Otava, Ohře, Berounka, Orlice, Nežárka, Jizera, Morava, Dyje.... Guide and navigation for paddling Czech rivers.When will we get there? How many weirs are we going to pass by? Which line to choose? Im hungry, is there any restaurant? Where are we going to camp? How is called the castle nearby? All of this and lot more you can easily and quickly find in the mobile app Canoeing navigation. In addition there is also available a Web version of Canoeing navigation at navigation offers:- Detailed navigation and guide for paddling Czech rivers- Detailed information about every mentioned place- More than 150 well-arranged schemas of the weirs- Information about current runnability of each river sectionImportant properties- Application is completely for free, it doesn’t contain any inner payments.- Application doesn’t need access to the internet (except to maps, it can happen they couldn’t work without access to Wi-Fi)- Application is for those who practise touristic canoeing, it doesn’t contain any information about paddling white water. What kind of data we provideIn Canoeing navigation you can find a detailed guide and navigation of ten most famous Czech rivers, which are: Vltava, Sázava, Otava, Ohře, Lužnice (including the new river), Nežárka, Berounka ,Orlice (calm and wild one), Morava a Dyje. We are going to add more rivers in recent time. For each river we have in evidence weirs, rapids, classes of difficulty, campsites, bars, canteens, restaurants, sights, villages, bridges, tributaries, information about traffic, hydrometers and other important information for paddlers.Data contained in Canoeing navigation is not copied from any older navigation. All the information is manually assigned and described according to the current state. On creating and maintenance we are cooperating with our local partners usually boat rentals. They work daily on these rivers, so they know them really well. Thanks to them we provide actual information. In addition to this application offers possibility to send us a proposal to correct or complete the information in case there occur any mistake or some information would be missing. We will be glad, if you get involved and help us to keep the guide actual.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Great, but I can't switch languages. It takes settings from system, which I do not want.

Jiří Hanuš

Mám jako jazyk telefonu angličtinu, tahle apka se podle toho natvrdo nastaví a nikde neumožňuje přepnutí do češtiny. Apka by měla jazyk telefonu použít pouze jako default, ne natvrdo bez možnosti přepnutí. Taky by mělo jít nastavit, kterou aplikaci pro mapy používat jako default, ne to mít natvrdo na Google maps. Vždycky musím znovu a znovu vybírat

Jan Zidek

Cannot change language.

Josh Vawter

Does not work in English and nothing works

norfolk soulcraft

Can't change the language

Gary Acuff

Užitečná aplikace na vodu. Bohužel se spouští v angličtině a nikde v nastavení není možné změnit jazyk.

Martin Vanduch

Aplikace je intuitivni a poskytuje dostatek informaci

Honza Sachista

Chvilku trvalo se v aplikaci zorientovat, ale díky fotkám a mapickam jezů, neocenitelný pomocník.

Jan Vondrák

Mapa dost často přibližuje i když se ji jen snažíte posunout, což je super otravné. Chybí přepínání jazyků. Jinak super apka.

Tomáš Krotký

Bohužel jsem nenašel způsob jak změnit jazyk této aplikace z english na čeština. A změnit jazykové nastavení v systému Android není v mém případě řešením. ☹️

David Kříž